For more than thirty years, our partners have led over $30 billion of utility corporate and capital markets financings for some of the largest electric and gas utilities (and their holding companies) in the United States. Representative transactions include:
- Lead outside finance and securities counsel for Wisconsin Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Wisconsin Gas LLC and subsidiaries that own generating assets under construction
- Lead project and finance counsel for a major global independent power producer in tenders and acquisitions for projects and companies in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Brazil, Chile, China, England, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Slovakia, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States
- Lead project and finance counsel for bids and acquisitions of power generating facilities in New England, New York, Louisiana, California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia
- Lead outside counsel for Wisconsin Energy Corporation’s registered public offering of $500 million “hybrid” Subordinated Notes
- Lead outside counsel for Wisconsin Electric Power Company’s pending Environmental Trust Bond Financing
- Lead outside counsel for Port Washington Generating Station LLC’s private placement of $155 million non-recourse Senior Notes to finance Unit 1 and $156 million non-recourse Senior Notes to finance Unit 2
- Lead outside counsel for Wisconsin Gas LLC’s offering of $90 million of Debentures
- Lead outside counsel for Mirant Americas Generation, Inc.’s offering of $750 million Senior Notes
- Lead outside counsel for Mirant Americas Generation, Inc.’s offering of $1.75 billion Senior Notes
- Lead outside counsel for Mirant Mid-Atlantic, LLC’s Registration and Exchange Offer of $1.224 billion Pass Through Trust Certificates
- Lead outside counsel to Mirant Americas Generation, Inc. for approximately $2.47 billion corporate banking credit facilities
- Lead counsel for Southern Energy, Inc.’s offering of $700 million Senior Notes
- Lead counsel for Southern Energy, Inc.’s corporate banking facilities of $1.3 billion
- Lead finance counsel for Southern Energy’s acquisition of Consolidated Electric Power Asia Limited (CEPA), including the negotiation and closing of an $850 million nonrecourse acquisition loan from a consortium of commercial banks
- Lead finance counsel for Southern Investments UK plc (SIUK) offering of $85 million Capital Income Securities pursuant to Rule 144A with registration rights
- Lead finance counsel for SIUK’s registered offering of $500 million Senior Unsecured Notes
- Lead finance counsel for Southern Energy in negotiation and documentation of a committed nonrecourse acquisition facility of £6 billion for a potential acquisition in the United Kingdom
- Lead finance counsel for Empressa Eléctrica del Norte Grande S.A. in the capital markets offering pursuant to Rule 144A of $250 million Loan Participation Certificates
- Lead finance counsel for SIUK and its subsidiary, Southwestern Electricity plc (SWEB), in negotiation and closing of a £600 million revolving loan facility
- Lead finance counsel for Southern Energy in connection with its acquisition of SWEB, including the offering of SIUK’s £627 million nonrecourse Floating Rate Bonds
- Lead finance counsel for SEI Holdings IX, Inc. (SEI IX) in the global offering of approximately $80 million of Notes in connection with SEI IX’s acquisition of a 39 percent interest in the Power Generation Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited
- Lead project and finance counsel for SEI IX in its acquisition of a 39 percent interest in the Power Generation Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited
- Lead finance counsel for Hidroelectrica Alicura, S.A., (Alicura) Argentina, in the global offering of $170 million Negotiable Obligations
- Lead finance counsel for Alicura in the exchange with Internationale Nederlanden Bank of $25.8 million Senior Advances for Subordinated Convertible Notes