- Counsel to Georgia Power Company in connection with the first DOE loan guarantee of $8.3 billion for the advanced nuclear generating facility expansion to add two new AP1000 units to the Vogtle Electric Generating Station under Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The firm also advised the client in connection with the negotiation of the turnkey EPC Agreement and further served as real estate counsel.
- Counsel to Duke Energy Carolinas in connection with its potential acquisition of an ownership interest in the proposed VC Summer Nuclear Station (AP1000) Units 2 and 3, in Jenkinsville, South Carolina.
- Counsel to Dominion Resources Services, Inc. with respect to its 2009 request for proposals (RFP) for a turnkey engineering, procurement and construction EPC agreement for Dominion Virginia Power’s proposed North Anna 3 Nuclear Power Station, including the development of a pro forma EPC agreement.
- Team counsel to Wisconsin Electric Power Company in its sale of the Point Beach Nuclear Power Station for approximately $1.5 billion, including the development of a co-ownership structure as an alternative to a sale of 100% ownership interest.
- Counsel to Illinois Power Company in connection with the sale of the Clinton Nuclear Power Station, negotiation of the definitive asset purchase agreement and advice concerning U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval to transfer the operating license.
- Counsel to a global supplier of commercial nuclear power facilities in the negotiation of agreements governing the engineering, procurement and construction of the first three commercial nuclear power facilities in the U.S. in three decades.
- Counsel to a nuclear energy client and negotiated the procurement and delivery of high-value nuclear reactor plant equipment for facilities being constructed in China, with an aggregate procurement value in excess of $500 million.
- Counsel to a global supplier of commercial nuclear power facilities in the negotiation of major equipment purchase agreements for the construction of the first wave of new-build nuclear power projects in the U.S., including the procurement of reactor vessels, steam generators, integrated reactor heads, reactor coolant pumps, and containments.
- Counsel to a global supplier of commercial nuclear power facilities in the negotiation of consortium agreements for joint performance of EPC Agreements for construction of Generation III+ commercial nuclear power facilities.
- Nuclear Power Plant Co-ownership Arrangements: Our attorneys have years of experience negotiating co-ownership arrangements among nuclear plant owners including investor-owned utilities, electric cooperatives and municipal electric authorities.
- Nuclear Regulatory Experience: Our attorneys have experience with nuclear reactor regulation and have practiced before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. As a result, they are an excellent complement to a utility company’s traditional nuclear regulatory counsel.